Cessna 208B Grand Caravan

  • Cessna 208B Grand Caravan

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5.0 average, based on 3 reviews


Product Information

For x-plane v11.55

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The Cessna 208 Caravan is an American single-engined turboprop, fixed-tricycle landing gear, short-haul regional airliner and utility aircraft that is built in the United States by Cessna. The airplane typically seats nine passengers with a single pilot, although with a FAR Part 23 waiver it can seat up to fourteen passengers. The aircraft is also used for cargo feederliner operations.


Features Include:

  • 3 versions to fly: Passenger, Cargo, and Amphibian 
  • 3d cockpit
  • Working doors (crew, passenger, cargo, and cargo pod) with a pop-up menu
  • Garmin 530 with pop up panel or use buttons
  • Stec auto pilot
  • Many international liveries 
  • Checklist in .txt format for use in of the sim
  • Pilot figures
  • Passengers that load with increased weight
  • Cargo that loads with increased weight
  • Static objects
  • Animated parts
  • Night LIT textures
  • .pdf manual
  • FSE file
  • v11 rain effects limited to win vulcan only


Product CodeCESR3

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5

Grand Caravan Update

This is an addition to my earlier review on the Grand Caravan. I casually mentioned a float version in my review. Now, just a week later, we have not only a new amphibian version, but three great new liveries as well. Now that's customer service! I'm not an actual pilot, but the 208 feels like it should to me. It is a big airplane that can carry large payloads and it feels very accurate. The float version is the same..it just feels right and that big plane on those big floats gives a fantastic profile. Also, the new liveries closely resemble the styles that are available on the actual Grand Caravan today. Great plane + great customer service + two years of free updates + reasonable price = NO BRAINER!Bob (24 Jun 2011, 14:12)

My 208B

Well Done! The complete package, Amphibian, Cargo and Passenger versions. A great value for a "Bush" pilots livery. Flies like a dream.Ed (23 Jun 2011, 08:33)

At Last A 208!

Finally! A 208B for X-Plane! And it's a good one too. I purchased this last night...I think within hours of it being released. I've spent some time flying today and I'm very happy with it. The virtual cockpit is very good and true to the photos I've seen of the actual plane. Everything is there and everything works. The opening cargo door is a bonus. The sounds are good and the plane flies well. It will be my go to plane for quite awhile. This is a good value and fills a major void (in my opinion) in X-Plane. Now a float version could really get interesting if one were to be offered.Bob (18 Jun 2011, 20:13)
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